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We are pleased to provide our members with an overview of the social events that were offered to the attendees of the CCN Workshop since the inception of these succesful meetings.
The first workshop was held in Saint-Malo, France, with the support of several private and academic sources. Gradually, although the field developed, and gave rise to potential clinical applications, the sponsoring vanished and the International CCN Society was the only financial source to keep our workshop alive.
The participation of a solid core of colleagues who appreciated our way of sharing good science and good time, was a wonderlful support to our continued efforts.
In the following pages, we have selected a few examples of great moments that we are happy to share with our past and new members.
The first CCN WORKSHOP (2000) Saint-malo, France
Organized by Annick and Bernard PERBAL

View of the Fort National, from the Sillon
CCN WORKSHOP 2002 Saint-Malo, France
Organized by Annick and Bernard PERBAL

Walking tour, from the Baie de Genêt to the Mont Saint-Michel
and when the tourists are gone…

CCN WORKSHOP 2004 Saint-Malo, France
Organized by Annick and Bernard PERBAL

CCN family picture at the Palais du Grand Large
CCN WORKSHOP 2006 Ushimado, Japan
Local Organizers : Masaharu TAKIGAWA and Satoshi KUBOTA
co-organizers Annick and Bernard PERBAL

CCN WORKSHOP 2008 Toronto, Canada
Local Organizer : Herman YEGER
co-organizers Annick and Bernard PERBAL
In honor of Professor Paul Borsnstein (1934-2013),
first ICCNS-Springer awardee

CCN WORKSHOP 2010 Newcastle, Northern Ireland
Local Organizer : Alexandra IRVINE
co-organizers Annick and Bernard PERBAL
CCN WORKSHOP 2012, Sydney, Australia

CCN WORKSHOP 2013, Nice, France

CCN WORKSHOP 2015, Nice, France
In honor of Professor Judith Campisi (1948-2024),
fifth ICCNS-Springer awardee

CCN Workshop participants at the Castle site
CCN WORKSHOP 2017, Saint-Malo, France

CCNWORKSHOP 2019, Niagara Falls, Canada
CCNWORKSHOP 2022, Nice, France
CCN WORKSHOP 2024, Oslo, Norway
Local Organizers : Havard ATTRAMADAL and Vivi MONSEN
co-organizers: Annick and Bernard PERBAL