Join the CCN Family . It is a lot of fun

Become a member to support the International CCN Society (ICCNS).
Why should you become a member ?
The very first reason is to be an active part of a like-minded individuals group interested in the dissemination of new research trends and advanced topics. This allows all members to engage or reinforce collaborations during our international workshops whose success was the result of their “family spirit” that we wish to maintain.
Being an active member of the ICCNS not only is resulting in enhancement of your skills and knowledge but it is also a recognition of our considerable efforts to keep the ICCNS alive.
We need you to express your visions, criticisms and satisfactions. The ICCNS is a unique platform in which you can be involved at all levels.
Maintaining the website, is costly and time consuming. For example, we chose to remain, with very few colleagues, the only webmasters for years because we believed that we could not afford thousands of Euros to increase the attractiveness of the website.
We deeply believe in the power of communication and sharing not only scientific passions but also preserve as much as we can the charms of our, of your, familial workshops.
We aim at reinforcing our visibility and credibility through your commitment and support.
As it is the case everywhere else, we have to support cost increases that impact our choices for upcoming meetings venues. You are certainly aware that major funding that came from public and private sources vanished with time.
As a member of the ICCNS you may also partner with colleagues in committees in charge of finding sponsorships.
We have now started to organize the ARBIOCOM meetings in which the ICCNs will be an active participant. Having a strong ICCNS will be helpful to convince other societies joining us.
Membership fees :
Student 70 dollars
PostDocs, PIs and seniors
1 year 125 dollars
2 years 225 dollars
Donations are welcome.