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After 17 years publishing with Springer The Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling (JCCS) is now published as a Gold Open Access Journal by Wiley

JCCS publishes fundamental and translational research on intercellular and intracellular signaling pathways.

Details about the submission procedures are available at

Updated JCCS Aims and Scope

JCCS provides a forum for publications reporting fundamental and translational research in the fields of communication between cells and their surrounding environments, with a particular focus on intracellular and intercellular signaling pathways, and how cell behavior  contributes to the installation and maintenance of pathological states.

JCCS welcomes original studies dealing with all aspects of remote Cell Communication and Signaling including:

  • Biological and biochemical studies of extracellular matrix, matricellular proteins, microvesicles, autocrine/paracrine mediators, and their signaling mechanisms in the context of tissue homeostasis and regeneration.
  • The identification and characterization of membrane and extracellular receptors and their ligands
  • Studies incorporating bioinformatics,computational approaches, proteomics, transcriptomics, molecular modeling, combinatorial signaling, and spatial (tissue level) aspects of signaling

Review articles addressing the topics discussed above are also considered.

The first issue of JCCS published by Wiley will be labeled as Issue 1 of Volume 18, in continuation of previous numbering.

An Early View of Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue is updated on a regular basis

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The International CCN Society (ICCNS) was created in 2001 after the First International Workshop on the CCN Family of Genes held in St Malo, 17-19 October, 2000.

The ICCNS welcomes you. 

Tweet #ICCNSpresident

Six regulatory proteins involved in cell communication and signaling were originally designated by the CCN acronym [for Cystein-rich protein (Cyr61), Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), and Nephroblastoma overexpressed (nov)]. They are involved in fundamental biological processes such as cell adhesion and migration, angiogenesis, development and signaling in normal and pathological conditions.

The official unified nomenclature adopted by the HGNC (Perbal B, Tweedie S, Bruford E. (2019) calls for the use of the acronyms, CCN1-6, and discontinuation in the use of CYR61, CTGF, NOV and WISP 1-3 respectively. [J Cell Commun Signal. (2018) 4:625-629]

It is important that both research teams who are newcomers and leaders in this field meet on a regular basis to discuss future prospects and unify their efforts in order for the CCN field to become highly interactive. The main goal of the International CCN Society is to foster the gathering of scientists interested in cell communication and signaling. Every other year since 2000, the ICCNS has organized the International Workshops on the CCN family of genes, open to PhD students, Post Docs and PIs . These meetings have been acclaimed by all attendees who appreciated this family-type of meeting which provides a unique opportunity for young ones to meet leaders and building collaborations at all levels. It has recently been proposed that other families of regulatory factors participating in cell communication and signaling be considered as CCN proteins at large [Perbal B et al. J. Cell. Commun. Signal. (2023) 17:229-232].


The main goals of the society are to:

  • Provide comprehensive information related to the field of the CCN genes and proteins.
  • Facilitate and organize the CCN workshops and other related meetings.
  • Facilitate and promote the distribution of reagents among the CCN community.
  • Promote contacts with others scientific societies.
  • Provide a forum for discussion and interaction.
  • Promote the dissemination of scientific information through the publication of the Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling.


The International CCN Society is a non-profit association.

The Executive Board of the International CCN Society is in charge of the representation, and administration of the ICCNS. It is the interlocutor for JCCS and International meetings affairs. 

It is comprised of:

The President and Treasurer of the ICCNS are permanent members of the Council and Advisory Scientific Committee.

The Council of the International CCN Society is acting as an advisory committee to help the executive board in taking decisions regarding the scientific organization of the Society. It is in charge of promoting the scientific connections between the ICCNS and other scientific, medical and pharmaceutical societies worldwide, and participate to the widening of the ICCNS expertise.

The Council reports to the ICCNS Executive Board.

Members of the Council include


The Advisory Scientific Committee of the International CCN Society is in charge of proposing and reviewing the operations of the ICCNS from a scientific angle. 

Satoshi KUBOTA has been nominated President of the Advisory Scientific Committee, starting October, 15th, 2023. He is assisted by Milos MARINKOVIC, Vice President.

After consultations with members of the ICCNS, and in order to initiate contacts and stimulate interactions between the ICCNS and other scientific societies, the President of the Executive Board have commissioned the following colleagues who kindly accepted to act as active members of the Advisory Scientific Committee:

Havard ATTRAMADAL, Rob BAXTER, Celina KLEER, Zhiyong LIN, Kunimasa OHTA, and Katia SCOTLANDI


All participants to the workshops and other meetings organized or co-orgaaized by the International CCN Society are associate members during the whole year following the date of registration to these events.

Those wishing to support the development of the present and future ICCNS meetings, are welcome to financially participate and register as a full member. There is no fixed fees amount for membership. Sponsorships are also welcome.

A lifetime Honorary Membership is offered to all Recipients of the ICCNS Award, with all intended benefits of ICCNS members

Members of the ICCNS Council can recommend candidates for a three-year honorary membership, on the basis of outstanding contributions to the scientific community or exceptional leadership.

Nominations will be examined by members of the ICCNS Council and external advisors who will be selected by the President of the ICCNS. The Honorary members are invited by the President of the ICCNS.


Professor Paul Bornstein (2008-2013), Professor Edward Calabrese, Professor Robert Baxter, Professor Carlo Croce, Professor Judith Campisi , Professor Meenhard Herlyn, Professor Cynthia Kenyon, Professor Lester Lau, Professor Katia Scotlandi


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A brainstorming meeting was organized by the International CCN Society

on April 4th, 2022  in Nice France

This meeting was aimed to discuss proposals of the ICCNS to organize joint meetings and foster interactions with other scientific and medical societies sharing our interest in all aspects of cellular communication. 

The major goal of the non-profit ARBIOCOM (Association for Research on Biosignaling and Communication) is to foster the reunion of scientific societies members interested in cellular signaling at all levels, including: cellular signal transduction, intercellular communication, communication with the microenvironment, but also remote communication involving soluble circulating factors, hormones, extracellular vesicles, and communication between cells and organs in response to bacterial and viral infection.
The brainstorming meeting members examined the possibility of sharing our views and take this unique opportunity to join our efforts and develop new comprehensive approaches, in a friendliness environment.

Thanks to the very productive intellectual blending and positive personal interactions that occurred during this meeting, it was agreed that the ARBIOCOM would provide the ground for a federation of societies and their journals into a “network”, where each society remains independent entities, in order to promote collaborative research in cell signaling and communication, in healthy and pathological processes and disseminate new research findings via publication and via formal and informal meetings.

A steering Committee was set up

Chair : Bernard Perbal

Carlo Croce

Ali Mobasheri

Representatives  from:

the Bristish Society of Matrix Biology

the International Society of Matrix Biology

Editors in chief of JCCS and CCS

Aims to Task Force

Prepare drafts of the ARBIOCOM boards

Prepare the first ARBIOCOM meeting
